At Thompson & Crowley Masonry Inc. we specialize in lime mortar stone foundation restoration. We are professional masons with three generations of masonry foundation experience. We have worked with lime mortar and stone foundations since the 1960's. Beyond business longevity our company has the experience of restoring 1000's of foundations. There is no guess work with materials and sealants. Lime is breathable and requires agreeable products that bond well with lime.
Often Somerville stone foundations were built with rubble stone, flagging, pudding stone and brick being held together with a body of lime. So simply removing all the lime and replacing it with high strength mortar is not an option. Although good for the salesman and may sound better on the surface it's actually harmful to foundation.
Removing all sound masonry joints loosens stones, bricks sink and twist causing sill voids, seismic settling and air pockets behind the stone walls. Air pockets create cracks, reduce the wall density and harm tensile strength in foundation. Repointing with modern non lime mortar can trap moisture and possibly creates mold. Modern mortar can damage sedimentary stone and period soft bricks creating spalling.
When restoring stone foundations that carry load pressure from homes. We are careful to stabilize all walls before making any structural repairs. Being stone masons we have the experience and training not to remove stone or stone wedges that support larger building stones or tie stones that hold the wall together.
Stones are much harder than mortar so by incorrectly disturbing stone masonry and repointing with mortar, it creates stress on joints and eventually cracks appear. When building stone foundations and stone walls its always good practice to have stones set by themselves interlocking not relying on mortar.
There are several common building styles two over one, one over two that create a European stone bond. Later 1900's homes a more sophisticated polygonal stone masonry started to appear in New England with the advent of dimensional quarried stone masonry. We have worked with and built countless walls in these stone masonry styles. Qualifying us to provide professional restoration from beginning preparation stages of the job. Removing failing mortar and wall coatings to repairing, stone setting, brick laying and final sealant.